I'd always intended putting more candy on my blog if I hit 100 followers....excepting that to be way, way into the future lol. However, thanks to the Feline Playful Give a comment, get a comment Blog Hop, I'm there already, well and truly over a hundred...ain't life grand eh!!
So as a little thank you to my new followers, and old followers alike, I'm going to put this candy as a second draw, so if you've already signed up for my Blog Candy you are automatically going back in the pot. It will be pretty much the same bundle of goodies, some dufex, toppers, die cuts, stickers and four unmounted stamp sets. Of the stickers ...there will be half a doz or so peel off's - either Holiday themed (got in a multi pack and don't use myself); or if like me you don't celebrate the holidays half a doz stickers on various themes. I've also added half a doz stickers to my original candy draw.
If you haven't already entered, you still have until the 15th to do so.

It is better to have 100 writers in a blog than 100 readers who don't put a comment even. I wish you to have more *writers*))))
It's because you're such a sweet person! I wantto do something, but not sure yet, since my husband is unable to work due to his health. But we'll see; I'm sure I've got lots of stickers, and other things, like paper that I could part with. LOL! Hugs, dj
Thank you!
thank you friend, and many many congrats.
am already a follower and crossing my fingers and hoping i win.
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