The lovely Kacee (Mc.Vic) over at You Had Me At Scrap has given me this Stylish Blogger award, and the sweetheart Celeste at Touched by a Butterfly generously awarded it to all her followers. I'm honored and thank you both.
I hope you'll pop over to check out their blogs and leave them some love.
I hope you'll pop over to check out their blogs and leave them some love.
Upon receiving this award I must thank the person (s) and link it back to their blog, inform all the new recipients of their award, and share 8 things about myself. Pass it on to 8 individuals (blogs) that I recently discovered. This is always a great way to find new inspiration so be sure to check them out!
Here are my 8 things....
1 I'm barely 5' tall.
2 I was flat footed as a child
3 I took up Karate in my early thirties and became 1/2" taller - I swear, it cured the flat footedness, short-term at least lol.
4 I gave up Karate to become a Jehovah's Witness
5 I'm blind in one eye..from birth, people tell me I should lack depth perception.
6 Now I know I can tell the difference when you creators do your fantastic jobs colouring...but I’ve realised I can use this as an excuse when I get my shading wrong...see, always a silver lining lol.
7 I've kept all kinds of animals, from reptiles to rats to house rabbits to dogs and so many more.
8 I'd fill my home with animals if not kept on a tight rein
and an added extra
9 I'm going to regret telling all this later.
An this is who I'd like to pass the award onto.
An this is who I'd like to pass the award onto.

Thank you so much Lindy! It was so sweet of you to think of me. Have a great week sweetie! OH and now I know some your secrets, I'll have to remember them for the future - he he
Hi Lindy. Thank you so much for the award, I'm really flattered! I've enjoyed having a poke around your blog too, you're certainly one talented lady.
Congrats on your new award!!!
Lindy thank you so much for giving me this award. I am just thrilled you thought of me. Thanks so much for visiting me at my blog. Have a great day!
Bear Hugs,
Carol :O}
u r not only a talented but a fantastic and honest person by heart, this is I feel from the beginning.hats off.
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