Debbie over at Scrapjourney is running a favourite Five of 2010 challenge....and offering a candy draw for the participants. Now I thought that for me the challenge would be to find 5 cards to show....I've just not been blogging that long really. What a shock when you start going through them and see how many cards you have....and that there are so many that you love. I was very strict and made myself only put in the five....put I had to sneak in one of my ATC's too lol.
I do have to admit that I'm finding it harder and harder to part with any cards I make and enter into the challenges.....and shock horror....even those I have made for my darling grandson.!!!!!! I've started putting my challenge cards into a separate box, and hoarding them. I ask you, how can you make a card chock full of love and then want to shut it away in a box instead of sending it.
I just love the colours of this ATC and it was my first DT project.
This one for me just epitomises the M.E/CFS. Truely this would be me on a very good day (in my dreams with a body like that lol). I would however be in pink's of any shade lol.
One for my Grandson of course, he's ill on and off all winter, poor lamb. My daughter kept saying, 'have you sent Jack's card yet'. I'd say 'he seems a lot better now, I think I've left it too late'. Wicked Nana....I did send it eventually lol.
This was my first go at combining images on a card. They were fun to paper piece and colour. It was made with my grandson in's in the box still.
When I made this card, I had a few friends in my situation means I can rarely see anyone. She was my first go a paper piecing and I had so much fun with it. It seems I don't actually miss anyone quite enough, cus guess where she is.
You'd think my favourite colour was brown after those wouldn't's not, must have been chocolate cravings lol.
Hope you enjoyed my pick's. Run right over to Debbie's and play along....actually go there if only to see her stunning cards.

Good choices, Lin! Youve been doing such a nice job on your cards. I think we've all improved by leaps and bounds in the last year just from the positive peer pressure in blogland, don't you think?
brilliant and talented work friend,each and every one shows ur precious heart.
A very Happy New year friend hope this year will be extraordinary for you.
Linda, these are really gorgeous works. I think my favorite is the one you did in yellow and green for your grandson. I'm so sorry that you don't feel like getting out any. I'm pretty much in the same boat since my last surgery and my knee. But it is wonderful and meet with friends. Hugs, dj
Oh my goodness what a gorgeous selection. I especially love the House Mouse one. So cute.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Ann xxx
these cards are adorable!
Very beautiful cards.. Thanks you for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment..
Hope to see you back.. Hugs, Linda
A fabulous selection of cards.Popped by from Feline Playful,have now become a
I love your variety of cards- my favorite are flowers... I am here from Feline Playful and signed up earlier to follow.
These look amazing!
So sorry I didn't stop by in a while :) been very busy lately. Hope you're doing great!
My favourite is the first one...and the baby one hard to pick :)
Oh what fabulous cards and not surprised you added the ATC is fab too.
Thank you for joining in with challenge.
Great cards! I just came over from Feline Playful, I am now a follower too
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